Sales, Marketing & Social Media Today

I write about the three topics that I am most passionate about; Sales, Marketing and Social Media. These topics are covered from my experiences in outside sales and marketing. My objective is to use my expertise to help business and the individual.

EdTech’s Guide to Growth


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Trends in Education

The Teaching profession has changed a great deal over the years. The job of a Teacher was to do the following: plan lessons, teach the lessons, grade/evaluate student work, manage the classroom behavior, communicate with parents about student progress and collaborate to reflect on their teaching practices with colleagues/supervisors.

Today, Teachers need to educate and engage Students with various learning needs including General Education, Special Education and English Language learners. Common Core and State Standards mandate that Lessons plans and Student assessment need to be able differentiated to meet the needs of every student. Student needs are more than just academic as their Social and Emotional needs need to be met as well. Teaching is a lot more challenging than is used to be but with challenges come opportunity to make an impact in the lives of our students.

Nationally, there are changes going on in Education between U.S states and the federal government on the implementation of common core and state standards. Year round schooling is being implemented in certain parts of the country. Vocational and CTE Schools and training is also on the rise.

Let’s look at how education has changed in New York State, specifically in New York City.

Shifts in Acceptable Teaching practices from the Teacher Centered Method to The Student Centered Method

The Teacher Centered Method

Teachers could create a library of lessons that could be used repeatedly. Teachers were the center of the lesson. This was an acceptable practice as learning requirements and standards changed at a slow rate.

The Student Centered Method

Under the student centered method Teachers are required to create and deliver lessons that are: differentiated based on student learning style, having students work in groups, and insisting that students take ownership for their learning. Administrators are required to rate teachers poorly in instructional areas where they are not meeting standards.

The Changing Teacher Evaluation

With the increases in Teacher and Administrator pay, a new evaluation system was developed. This required Teacher understanding and execution of instructional practices such as: data driven instruction, implementation of the Co-Teaching model and demands for increased collaboration between General Education and Special Education.

The Teacher Evaluation: From Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Rating to the Danielson Framework

For example, in New York City, the evaluations of teachers consisted of Principals and Assistant Principals doing 10 minute pop in observations. The forms consisted of check off questions such as: how the teacher dressed, was the room organized, did the teacher arrive on time and how was the Teacher’s attendance.

Under the Danielson Framework

Teachers ability to Teacher is Evaluated more in depth based on new guidelines and standards.


The Changing School Evaluation

School evaluations of Administrators have also become more rigorous as a school is seen as one big classroom of the Principal. You can see it in the Quality Review rubric


Technology in Education

Specific EdTech Marketing Strategies

Teachers and Administrators need tools to help them do their jobs better. These tools can come in the form of learning technologies, customized professional development delivered by current and former Teachers/Administrators and Implementation support and training on all education products sold into K-20 schools.

How EdTech can Gain MarketShare in K-12 and Higher Education

How EdTech can Improve Education and Learning for Teachers and Students

Creating Content and Presentations Based on Learning Styles (Differentiation)

The purpose of the Sales & Marketing functions is to drive revenue for the organization.

Below you will find over 25 Sales & Marketing Strategies for driving revenue that can be Applied in EdTech Marketing

The purpose of the Sales & Marketing functions is to drive revenue for the organization.

Below you will find Sales & Marketing Strategies for driving revenue that can be Applied in EdTech

1.Market Research & Competitor Analysis

Before businesses can sell anything, they need to determine if there is a market for their products and services.

Most businesses will not necessarily be creating new product categories. As a result, they will be entering into a market place that already exists. This is true if you are a re-seller or distributor of products and services. Once you decide that there is a market for your products and services; you need to study your competitors.

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You can see who your competitors are by


Surveys can be a great way to get information about prospects and customers. You can ask specific questions that can provide information on what the prospect is looking for. Also you can ask questions about when the prospect is looking to make a purchase. This information can be stored in CRM software. Surveys can be done through direct mail, email or online through internet polls.

3. Using Inbound Marketing & Creating Buyer Personas

I want to define Inbound Marketing. Inbound Marketing is Marketing based on getting found by customers. It’s customer-centric. With Inbound Marketing, businesses create customer-centric content based on customers needs. Content could take the form of blogs, videos and SEO.

Inbound Marketing is very different from Outbound or Traditional Marketing. In Outbound or Traditional Marketing, businesses would: buy advertising such as TV or Display ads to interrupt prospects, cold call or cold email to get their message out.

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Using Marketing for Lead Gen and Demand Gen

4. Create a blog within your website focusing on customer pain points discovered in your buyer personas.

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Content Repurposing

Repuropse blog content in the following ways: On SlideShare,

YouTube videos, podcasts, ebooks, whitepapers, newsletters, webinars etc…

5. Big Data & Analytics

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There are plenty of ways for marketers to measure the reach of their content and track customer behavior with marketing analytics. Many of these resources can prove to be quite expensive but in some cases make sense to purchase. However, there are plenty of free sources for marketing analytics.

5. Referrals/Testimonials from Customers

Referrals and testimonials from your customers is one of the best ways to get leads because they remove doubt from the prospects mind about your capabilities to perform. Referrals could take the form of a video, a recommendation on LinkedIn or a SlideShare presentation. I have the last two that I listed. Referrals and Testimonials should speak to the quality of your work.

6. In person testimonials at trade shows

Providing customers with great products and experiences is a great way to get customers to help market your products and services.

An example of this is illustrated by Hyundai

7.Customer Loyalty programs

Customers are usually delighted to provide referrals and testimonials for companies and products that work. That being said, you need to show your appreciation to customers who put their name and reputation on the line for you.

8. Business Networking

Attending networking events at your local chamber of commerce or at a professional association can be a great way to meet potential prospects and to generate leads. At these events you can talk informally and exchange business cards. You can briefly discuss who you are and what you do then move on; remember you want to network with as many people as possible.

9. Email Marketing

Email lists can be purchased from a list broker or self-generated from your address book. You can also use services like Constant Contact & Mailchip that allows people to enter their email addresses if they want email from your business. This is known as allowing them to opt in. Before proceeding with an Email campaign make sure to get permission from people through an opt-in email. If you do not get peoples’ permission to send them email it can be considered spam.

Email is a cheaper item than mail. You can have a wider reach to your customers. I would suggest creating a message that is compelling. Make sure to use pictures and colors that look appealing.

10. Social Media/Customer Service issues on Social Networks

Today, many people and organizations are using Social Media to get their message out. If you are not using Social Media you are missing an opportunity. The major Social networks are LinkedIn, Twitter ,Facebook tumblr, & Wordpress. These networks have similarities in the sense they are designed for people to communicate. Here is how to get started on these platforms.

Customer Service issues on Social Networks

In my post Building the Brands of Tomorrow, I stated that one of the things that companies needed to do to build the brand of the future is to listen to their customers. This means handling customer complaints promptly. We are in the digital age. In this age, social networks are the wave of the future. Today’s consumer is an empowered consumer. Today’s social consumer can quickly share their thoughts about a product or an experience on Facebook, Twitter, Google and many other networks. Brands need to be present on social networks to interact and engage with the empowered consumer. More and more consumers are consulting their social networks for product recommendations.

Using Social Media for Growth

11. Blogging- Wordpress, Tumblr, Medium & LinkedIn

Blogging is a great way to build your brand and market your products to the masses using Inbound Marketing. Writing a blog allows you to demonstrate your expertise through writing. Blogging helps to provide prospects and customers with valuable information. Providing valuable information helps to position you as an expert and a resource. (Content Creation)

Popular blog posts formats are:

Writing a blog is great way to share your ideas and market your expertise in an area. I began blogging back in November 2011. Blogging had connected me with so many great people around the globe. I began publishing on the Wordpress platform. In this post, I am going to discuss how to set up your blog on Wordpress and Tumblr.

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Wordpress & Tumblr are great publishing platforms where users can create customized & branded content which includes domain names. For tips on setting up a blog click here.

Here is how to write & publish a killer blog article on these platforms.

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Writing on LinkedIn’s long form post is similar to writing blog posts. Your goal is to engage your readers & build an audience. Let’s explore the features of the LinkedIn publishing platform.

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12. Content Repurposing & Curation

High quality content created on a blog has amazing potential to be shared, increasing blog readership. However, just creating content; sharing it in its original form on many channels multiple times will continue to yield diminishing results. Results are diminishing because Social Networks and the blog-sphere continue to be bombarded with content. As a result, too much quality content will be overlooked. Now if you are reading this confused what to do next, relax you are not alone. When I started blogging I thought the very same thing. Here is where content repurposing can help.

Content creation is one of the best ways to engage an audience, making it essential to content marketing. However, we simply cannot cover every single topic in our industry. This is where content curation comes in handy, content curation is where you share the work of others in your industry. Content curation can enhance your content marketing efforts in the following ways:

13. Obtaining Content from Customer Service & Sales Teams

Once brands convert prospects into customers, they still need to focus on and support customers post sale. Here is where Content Marketing can help. Brands can use Content Marketing for customer retention, cross-selling and up-selling. To take advantage of this, brands need to involve both their Sales and Customer service team in their Content Marketing strategy.

14. Trade Show Marketing

It is important to attend industry trade shows either as an exhibitor or an attendee. Trade shows are a great way to keep up to date with trends in your industry. This will allow you to hone your expertise which your customers pay for. Trade shows are a great place for you to get leads because customers go to them looking to make purchases either at the show or soon after. If you are an exhibitor, require attendees to give you their contact information to see a demonstration of your product. This can be the start of an informal conversation which you can follow-up on later.

15. Advertising

Businesses can advertise their products and services. The advertising can be a spot on the radio, television, Social Media, print and billboards. Television ads can be short commercials that appear on TV shows or they can take the form Infomercials which are at least a half hour in length.

Television has been a preferred method of advertising for years because television has a massive audience. The internet is also a great way to advertise. You can use pay-per-click advertising on LinkedIn, Facebook and Google. (LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads,Google AdWords) This is an effective method because you can specify who you want to see your ad by different demographics such as Geography, Age, and Profession. You can also use keywords to trigger your ads.

16. Print

Placing ads in newspapers can also help your business because newspapers have many readers. Newspapers are usually in print and online. Your advertising on this platform could take the form of a classified ad or article marketing. Industry trade magazines also fall into this category. Billboards can also help your businesses visibility.

17. Direct Mail

Direct mail can be a great way to find prospects. You can create a message with pictures and compelling copy. The idea is to piqué the interest of your prospect and to include a card with paid postage that they can send back requesting more information. You can use CRM software to track your results and fine tune who to target.

Direct Selling and Outside Sales Strategies

Sales can teach you many things.

Here is a list of what I learned from selling.

18. Creating a Sales Plan supported by CRM software

In my last post, I spoke about how to identify your target market and how to build a prospecting list. In this post, I will cover how to develop and implement a sales plan. Also I will cover how the sales funnel works and how it relates to sales success. The Marketing function of an organization can use marketing automation for related their activities as ACT! and Salesforce offer marketing automation software.

19. Handling Customer Objections

In sales, everyone has to be able to overcome objections in order to be successful. The best way to overcome objections is to prevent them.This can be done by providing a thorough sales presentation that covers all the information about your products and services. Also it is imperative that you address any questions the prospect has immediately. However, objections will come up from time to time.

20. Becoming your own Sales Manager

Anyone who is in inside or outside sales has to meet sales quotas/sales goals of a certain type. The role of a Sales Manager is to hire, mentor, train and motivate the Sales Team. A Sales Manager is also accountable for setting the sales goals of their team and making sure that these goals are meet and exceeded. Sales Managers are provided with salary and an override of the teams total sales. Each Sales Reps goals make up a piece of this total sales goal. A Sales Manager’s duties will vary by the size of the organization and its structure.

Now you are asking “ How could I be my own Manager of Sales?

21. Tracking and using Sales Data

Math and Sales Data are essential to improve the sales efforts of Sales Reps. The use of Math and Sales Data can provide a wealth of insights in terms of how effective a businesses sales campaigns are doing.

22. Receivables, and Collections

When we deal with customers, it is important to get them to pay their invoices in a timely manner. What a timely manner means is dependent on your company’s payment policy. Are these customers C.O.D or are they net 30, net 60, net 90 or longer? This payment structure is based on the length of the sales cycle.

What can we do to make sure that customers pay their invoices on time?

23. Customer Relationship Management

In sales, we all have to deal with difficult customers. Today, I am going discuss how to deal with difficult customers. In a previous post, I discussed how to get customers to pay on time. Each situation needs to be put in context. In other words, why were the customers being difficult? Were they being difficult because you screwed up their order or service call?

24. Creating Sales & Marketing Content to engage Customers

In my last post, I covered how to make a cold call where I described about how to make an on the spot sales & marketing presentation. Now I will cover how to develop and deliver a customer centered sales & marketing presentation to a decision maker when you are on an appointed call.

25. Developing Your Presentation

When you start to develop your presentation, it

There are three learning styles, Visual, Auditory & kinesthetic.

65 percent of learners are Visual but this is not everyone. In the presentation below, I provide you with ideas and strategies to

1. Collect information on your buyers learning style

2.Create presentations and content that will engage buyers with content that is optimized to their learning style making it more engaging

3. Create differentiated presentations and content for all learners when buyer learning styles are unknown.

Getting people to pay attention to your message and brand is becoming increasingly difficult in today’s attention economy. This is especially true when making a Sales and Marketing presentation. When making a presentation using PowerPoint/Slide-decks, are you inundating your prospects and audience with slide after slide of visuals? While visuals are important, too many of them can overwhelm your prospects and audience. Remember the goal of your presentation is to inform, persuade and engage your audience to take action based on your message. You do not want overwhelm and/or bore your audience.

What sales & marketing strategies have you used to drive revenue? Comment and share below?

About the Author

Dan is passionate about using Marketing to help businesses drive sales. Certified in Inbound Marketing, Dan has worked on various marketing assignments including: Start Ups, a Political Campaign and a Digital Marketing Conference.

Prior to serving as a Classroom teacher, Dan served customers as an Outside Sales & Marketing Rep in NYC. In this role, he taught & trained Dentists on the company’s products and services using a consultative selling approach combined with direct marketing. He also supported the company’s marketing efforts at industry trade shows.

He writes & publishes a business blog on the topics of Sales, Marketing & Social Media entitled Sales, Marketing & Social Media Today; which has grown to over 17,000 followers on LinkedIn & over 15,000 on WordPress.

Dan’s articles & insights on Sales, Marketing & Social Media have been featured, mentioned & referenced in major Business Publications such as:

The Arizona Republic

Twitter Ads Blog

Yahoo! Finance Blog’s Wall Of Fame via

Dan has been honored for his Social Profiles & Content

•Recognized by Klout for having a Score putting him in the Top 10 % of Social Media Users

•LinkedIn Social Selling Index Score in the Top 1%

•Honored by SlideShare for being in the top 5% of profiles viewed in 2014

•Honored by LinkedIn in 2012 for being in the top 1% of profiles viewed out of 200 million members

Dan is seeking an EdTech full-time marketing role in Direct, Inbound, Digital, Content and Social Media Marketing. He is willing to be a CMO to create and build out the Marketing function of your organization if it does not exist. Contact him to set up interviews.

Posted 373 weeks ago

Sales, Marketing & Social Media Today

I write about the three topics that I am most passionate about; Sales, Marketing and Social Media. These topics are covered from my experiences in outside sales and marketing. My objective is to use my expertise to help business and the individual.

Social Networks use E-Commerce Shops for New Revenue Streams

Social Networks are places where people congregate; making them great sources of Market Research and Revenue. As a result, Social networks are looking for new revenue streams. The latest revenue channel for them is E-commerce.

Facebook is partnering with Shopify to launch Facebook shops. The social network is the latest to get in on the E-Commerce business.

Last year at SMX East, Google and YouTube shared how they are allowing people to shop online for products. Google also shared people’s buying behavior. I have included parts of the article below.

In Google’s Keynote, I learned how businesses can get an edge during the holidays. I also learned of Google’s plan to use Google Images and YouTube for E-Commerce. Google is also allowing businesses to use location-based Ads in Google Maps.

The key insights of the presentation were:

1. According to Google most shopping visits start online.

2. When diners search for a great place to eat the searches are probably happening on a smartphone.

3. When people are online in cars, more than half of them are searching for information on a mobile device making localization and targeting important.

4. 2/3’s of shoppers say that online video has given them insight and inspiration to make purchases.

5. Shoppers use at least 3 channels or more when shopping.

6. Brands need to provide an omnichannel channel experience all year, especially during the holidays.

7. Sales are happening online and offline. As a result of this shift, Brands need to serve customers on the channels of their choice.

Would you shop on a Social Network? Share your thoughts.

Posted 222 weeks ago

Sales, Marketing & Social Media Today

I write about the three topics that I am most passionate about; Sales, Marketing and Social Media. These topics are covered from my experiences in outside sales and marketing. My objective is to use my expertise to help business and the individual.

Connecting & Innovating at TechDay 2024

I covered TechDay in New York this past Friday. This year was special because it was the 10th anniversary of TechDay. 

Over the past ten years, TechDay events have connected over 10,000 startups with over 250,000 investors, accelerators, engineers, suppliers, and other members of the tech startup ecosystem. This is according to TechDay. 

Attendees had the opportunity to network with venture capitalists, and accelerators, learn about the latest technology, and attend tech talks. 

These tech talks consisted of thought leaders from the NYC startup ecosystem, including investors with over $5 billion in combined assets under management. Thought leaders spoke on a series of panels focused on the history of the NYC startup ecosystem, its present opportunities, and possible futures

Entrepreneurs had the opportunity to audition to pitch their start-ups on Shark Tank. 

There were many exhibitors at TechDay as well. Companies were from a wide array of industries.

In this video, I walked the event floor to give you a sense of the things happening from networking, connecting, pitching, and learning. 

Additional pictures can be found on Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you to the organizers of TechDay for having me. 

TechDay was a great event. 

TechDay events are held both in person and online. Visit for a schedule of upcoming events and a recap of the recently completed TechDay Expo.

Did you attend? 

What are your thoughts on TechDay?

Comment and share below.

Posted 20 weeks ago